How to Choose the Best Naturopath in Burlington


How to Choose the Best Naturopath in Burlington:

When deciding to work with a naturopathic doctor, there are several key factors to consider.

Every naturopath practices uniquely and will combine multiple natural modalities or remedies to help a patient resolve a specific health complaint. Naturopathic doctors treat the whole person – not just the symptoms – and look for the root cause of a patient’s health condition. There is no “one-size-fits-all” algorithm that is applied to patient cases, and for that reason, every patient will receive an individualized treatment plan.

In Canada, naturopathic doctors have a different scope from province-to-province.

Important elements when choosing the best naturopath for you:

  • Clinical focus area. Naturopathic doctors often focus on specific health conditions. For example, as a naturopath in Burlington, Ontario, I regularly treat digestive issues and thyroid and hormonal conditions. However, I run a general practice, and also see patients who are looking for preventative medicine or to live a more active and healthy lifestyle.

  • Convenience. Working with a naturopathic doctor who is located close to your work or home can allow you to easily drop in for last-minute appointments or to pick up supplement refills. My name is Dr. Dominique Vanier and as a naturopath in Burlington, Ontario, I practice at a multifunctional clinic that offers a range of naturopathic services including nutrient IV therapy. I also offer video appointments for patients across Ontario as a convenient option for those who have difficulty travelling.

  • Regulated. It is important that your practitioner is regulated. Regulations provide patient safety and also protect the practitioner. Unfortunately, naturopaths are not regulated in all provinces. In regulated provinces – specifically Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba – naturopathic doctors must complete at least seven years of post-secondary and graduate education and pass rigorous national licensing and board-level exams. They also must meet all requirements as set out by their regulatory college. In unregulated provinces, individuals can call themselves naturopaths without any formal education. This can create public misunderstanding of the profession as well as misunderstanding of the knowledge and skills of naturopaths.

  • Achieved extra standards of practice. For some patients, it may be important that their naturopathic doctor has achieved extra Board-level exams. I have successfully passed both the Ontario Prescribing Exam and intravenous (IV) nutrient therapy exam to allow me to provide additional modalities to my patients.

  • Provides integrative support. The best naturopaths work integratively with a patient’s other healthcare practitioners. It is a common misconception that naturopathic doctors are against conventional medications. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Naturopaths work with patients to adopt healthier lifestyle and dietary choices as they concurrently receive care from their team of healthcare practitioners, including family doctors and specialists.

  • Objective analysis. It is a naturopathic doctor’s duty to use objective analysis, such as blood tests or other lab tests, when clinically warranted. Naturopathic doctors in Ontario can requisition blood tests for their patients and regularly use lab tests to inform their treatment plans.

  • Providing a safe space. Listening to patients is a key part of naturopathic appointments. Empathy and compassion are great strengths of naturopathic doctors – strengths that help facilitate the healing process.

  • Commitment to continuing education. The best naturopaths are committed to keeping up with the research and will spend several hours a week reviewing new research papers. There is an incredible amount of new research published every month alone on how supplementation, vitamins, diet, and acupuncture can improve various health parameters.

Why Choose Dr. Vanier ND As Your Burlington Naturopath

As a Burlington naturopath who focuses on digestive issues and hormonal health, I am committed to going above and beyond for my patients. I am so privileged to offer many different and unique natural therapies and to be able to witness first-hand how effective naturopathic medicine can be. 


In conclusion, the best naturopath for you depends on your health goals. It’s important to choose someone who you feel you can develop a good rapport with. For this reason, I offer a free 15-minute “meet-and-greet” with potential patients so that we can determine if we’re a good fit for each other and decide on a plan forward.

How to Choose the Best Naturopath in Burlington by Dr. Dominique Vanier ND, Burlington Ontario.

Dr. Dominique Vanier is a registered naturopath in Burlington with a clinical focus on digestion and women’s hormones and health. Naturopath Burlington. This article is for information purposes only. It is not intended to treat or diagnose any health conditions.