Hormone Health Program

Contrary to common knowledge on social media, estrogen is our friend. Sadly, estrogen and other hormones are often villainized. We want hormones to be balanced, and secreted and signalling appropriately. You shouldn’t have to feel like your hormone fluctuations are affecting your quality of life and interfering with relationships, ability to work, and doing the things you love.

Naturopathic medicine can be helpful in supporting hormone-related conditions including:

  • perimenopause

  • period concerns like PMS, painful, heavy, or irregular periods

  • endometriosis

  • polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

  • infertility

  • thyroid conditions like hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s

Program details

The Hormone Health Program is designed to empower you to make changes to your health. Appointments are structured to identify and address the root cause of your hormonal symptoms and implement an evidence-based treatment plan. Appointments focus on treating the whole person by looking closely at factors that may influence your symptoms and/or diagnosed condition, such as:

  • Diet

  • Stress levels

  • Digestion

  • Associated or diagnostic lab tests like cortisol, fasting insulin, and steroidal sex hormones like estrogen

  • Thyroid function

  • Environmental exposure risk factors, such as to exogenous synthetic hormones like personal care products

What to expect

We know patients are most successful when they have regular touchpoints. Appointments take place once a month for 3 months, followed by short, quarterly appointments. In these appointments, we outline your goals and concerns, discuss your treatment plan such as dietary modifications, supplementation, or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, requisition any indicated blood tests, and anticipate and strategize ways to overcome obstacles.

Patients can expect us to work together on making incremental changes to their health and also to not be put on useless supplements and unnecessary diets. For supplementation and dietary changes, there will be a clinical indication that is supported by the best available research.

All treatment plan recommendations have a clinical end goal, and patients are educated on how long it should take to see improvements in their health, alternate approaches and strategies to address their concerns, and how their treatment plan fits within conventional medical guidelines and standards of care.

Note: Appointment fees are covered by most extended health benefits plans.

Interested in learning more?

Just interested in learning more? Head over to the Contact and Book page and fill out the call-back form. You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions to our Patient Care Coordinator and book a complimentary 15-minute “meet-and-greet” visit with Dr. Dominique to find out how naturopathic medicine may help your digestive concerns.

Please note that treatment plans and medical/health advice are discussed in appointments only.

- Dr. Vanier is a naturopathic doctor in Mississauga, Ontario.